Top 6 eLearning Trends to Watch Out For 2017

Are you an eLearning designer, learning and development professional or an instructional designer? The year 2016 has been a great year in eLearning industry. This blog post provides an overview on Top 6 eLearning Development Trends, predictions or forecast in 2017 you should know. These emerging eLearning trends of 2017 include Gamification, Mobile Learning, Microlearning, Automated eLearning Course Authoring, Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), Personalized Learning and Big Data.

What’s New in Lectora 17?

Trivantis launched Lectora 17 with new features to develop responsive eLearning courses. In this blog post, we will see What's new in Lectora 17? Lectora 17 is new upgraded version Lectora 16, comes with many exciting features which include Seamless play publish options, Auto-play media on mobile devices, Persisting background audio, BranchTrack Scenario-based simulations, Updated Camtasia and SnagIt versions, SVG rendering of Shapes and buttons and much more.

Open Challenge Given by the Boss to the Project Managers and to All the Team Members

Open Challenge by the Boss to eLearning Project Managers and Team Members. Started as a friendly completion between Amjad, Boss and Imran, Project Manager turned out to be a tremendous success with all the staff wellness challenge to motivate employees. Someone has truly said, “If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.” And it takes a lot of strength and self-discipline to change ourselves both professionally and personally.

Case Study: Using JavaScript in Lectora Inspire

JavaScript lets you push the boundaries and extend the functionality of authoring tools Adobe Captivate, Articulate Storyline, Lectora Inspire, etc. Swift eLearning has great expertise in all the major eLearning authoring tools. In this case study, one of our clients wanted to build simulation based elearning as part of their application training. And this was possible by using JavaScript in Lectora Inspire After considering all the options, we have used selected Lectora Inspire. The simulation based training is highly useful to train people who are in high-risk situations. For example, Medicine, Military, Aviation, Software and Banking industries.

What’s New in Articulate Studio 360?

Articulate Studio 360 is a PowerPoint-based eLearning authoring tool comes with Articulate 360 package. It come with Articulate Presenter, Engage, Quizmaker. Articulate has upgraded Articulate Studio to Articulate Studio 360 with new features such as Content Library Integration, Slide Templates, Responsive Player, Responsive Preview and many more. In this blog, we will see what’s new in Articulate Studio 360 and how it makes a difference in eLearning development.

Articulate 360 Rise: Creating Mobile Learning Apps For Micro-Learning

Articulate 360 - Rise is an online authoring tool to create responsive eLearning courses. It also provides flexibility to create mobile learning apps supporting micro-learning strategy. Elearning authoring tools supports HTML5 output. In this blog, I will explain the steps to Convert Articulate Rise eLearning Output into an Android App.

Articulate 360 Rise – A Developer’s Review

Rise is a new online authoring tool comes with Articulate 360 subscription. It allows you to create fully responsive eLearning. I’ve had the opportunity to explore the features of Articulate Rise. To get a hang of it, you may want to go to for a free trial of Articulate 360 package.

Getting Started With Motion Path Animations and Triggers in Storyline 360

Articulate Storyline 360 comes with entrance, exit and motion path animations that can be used to orient objects. In this tutorial, we'll discuss how to trigger a motion path animation and create interactive Articulate Storyline 360 courses.

Custom Dial Interaction in Storyline 360 Can Supercharge Your eLearning

Dial interaction in Articulate Storyline 360 is a new interactivity…