Slide Advances and When Revisiting Properties

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Let us begin with “Slide Advances” property. By using the “slide advances” property, we can alter the slide navigation behavior.

Let’s say, once the learner completes this slide, I want them to navigate to the next slide automatically without clicking the Next button. To do so I can set the slide advances property to automatic and then click OK.

Now let’s preview the course.

As you can see, now it automatically jump to next slide once the previous slide is completed.

But, instead let’s say I want the learner to click a button in order to move to the next slide, then I must go back to the slide advances property and change to “by user” and also add a next button for this slide.

Then click okay and preview the course. This time it doesn’t jump to next slide until the next button is clicked. This way we can use “slide advances” property to control navigation between the slides.

Next, we have “when revisiting” property. This property lets you choose how objects behave when learner revisit a slide. By default it is set to “Automatically decide” where storyline takes the decision for you. We also have two more options here, “Resume saved state” and “Reset to initial state”. Let us take a look at these options.

So, with “Rest to initial state” selected, if a learner revisits the same slide, it starts over from the beginning.

For example, if we look at this slide, learner is restricted from moving to the next slide unless he clicks on all these 4 buttons.

And every time the learner visits this slide they must click these buttons to move further. It could be annoying sometimes.

So to avoid this, you might want the slide to start right where the learner has left off earlier, this can be done by selecting “Resume saved state” instead.

Let’s now preview and see the output. As you can see, this time slide doesn’t start over on revisit.

Now you must be wondering when should I select “automatically decide” and on what basis, storyline decides whether to resume or reset the slide.

Here is the logic storyline use. It decides based on the objects a slide consists of. If the slide has simple objects or audio but no interactivity, Storyline resets the slide to the beginning.

However, if the slide contains interactive elements such as buttons or other objects that have a visited or selected state, Storyline resumes the slide where it left off previously.

With this, we have reached the end of this video. In the next video we will see ” “Choosing Navigation Controls and player features” for individual slides.

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