Converting Image Text to Editable Text: A Guide for Adobe Illustrator

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The ability to convert image text into editable text in Adobe Illustrator is a valuable skill that enhances your capacity to manipulate text within your design projects, especially in areas like eLearning development, custom eLearning solutions, and eLearning design. This process allows you to extract and manipulate text content from raster images or scanned documents, simplifying the task of editing and handling text within your Illustrator projects.

Adobe Illustrator stands out as a versatile and widely adopted graphic design software, empowering creatives to breathe life into their visual concepts. When dealing with images or graphics containing text, you may frequently encounter text elements embedded within an image or outlined as vector shapes. These text elements, referred to as “non-live text,” pose challenges for editing or manipulation. However, Adobe Illustrator offers robust tools and techniques to convert this static text into “live text,” facilitating easy editing, customization, and seamless integration into your designs.

In this guide, we will delve into the crucial steps and methods for transforming text within images and outlined text into live, editable text within Adobe Illustrator. Whether you’re an experienced designer aiming to streamline your workflow or a beginner seeking to boost your skills, mastering this process will unlock new possibilities for your creative projects.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on converting the image text into editable text in Adobe Illustrator.

Step 1: 

Begin by launching Adobe Illustrator and opening the image you want to edit. Choose your desired image and then navigate to the ‘Type’ option located in the upper interface.

Adobe Illustrator

Step 2: 

Select the ‘Retype (Beta)’ option by clicking on it.

Adobe Illustrator

Step 3: 

Next, choose the ‘Enter’ function within the ‘Retype (Beta)’ panel. This action allows us to proceed.

Adobe Illustrator

Step 4: 

Select your ‘preferred font’ and with a single click, it will be applied to your text.

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator

Step 5: 

To edit the ‘text’ within the image, simply click on the text you want to edit or modify.

Adobe Illustrator

Step 6: 

You can apply the same steps to edit any other ‘text’ within the image.

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator


In conclusion, mastering the art of converting text within images and outlined text into live, editable text in Adobe Illustrator is an essential skill for those immersed in the world of design and illustration. This process opens up a realm of possibilities, enabling precise adjustments, logo rebranding, and rejuvenating scanned or rasterized text.

By following the steps outlined above, you can efficiently trace and convert image-based text into vector paths and then into editable text—a process particularly advantageous for those involved in eLearning solutions and custom eLearning development. Not only does this method save time, but it also provides creative flexibility when working on projects involving text elements in the realm of eLearning design and development.

With practice, seamlessly integrating text from images into your Adobe Illustrator designs becomes second nature, ensuring a smooth workflow for graphic design and illustration projects, as well as for creating custom eLearning solutions and eLearning development projects. This versatile skill opens up new possibilities for custom eLearning development and design by facilitating the incorporation of text elements from various sources, enhancing the overall quality and efficiency of eLearning solutions.

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