Conversations and Dialouges in Articulate Storyline 360


As an eLearning enthusiast, we would love to welcome more challenges in our journey of eLearning. This week’s eLearning challenge was to develop conversations and dialogues in eLearning course. We were equipped with a pool of conversational interfaces in many of our eLearning courses. Among them the most liked conversational interface we have developed for our clients from Banking Industry based in Australia.

At the end of this blog, you can have this sample on how to create conversations in Articulate Storyline 360.



In this less attention span era, these conversations create attentiveness among the millennials. This develops a potential knowledge and also helps to decrease the forgetting curve. Dialogues between the characters in the eLearning courses motivates the learners and boosts the engagement.

Our Services: Articulate Storyline 360 Free Tutorial, eLearning Solutions, Translation and Localization Services

2 replies
  1. Lawrence
    Lawrence says:

    This article highlights the power of storytelling in e-learning, and it’s so true. Stories stick with us much better than plain facts. The eLearning examples provided are fantastic. Thanks for sharing your expertise!


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